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File Type Note $08 (8) - Auxiliary Types $0000-$3FFF

Apple II Graphics File

Full Name: Apple II Graphics File
Short Name: Graphics File

Revised by Matt Deatherage (1989)
Written by Matt Deatherage (1988)

Files of this type and auxiliary type contain standard Apple II graphics files.

Changes since November 1988: The offset was incorrectly listed as +121 instead of +120. The hexadecimal value of $78 is correct.

Files of type $08 and any auxiliary type less than or equal to $3FFF contain a standard Apple II graphics file in one of several modes. After determining that the auxiliary type is not $4000 or $4001 (which have been defined for high-resolution and double high-resolution pictures packed with the Apple IIGS PackBytes routine), you can determine the mode of the file by examining byte +120 (+$78). The value of this byte, which ranges from zero to seven, is interpreted as follows:

               Mode                         Page 1    Page 2
               280 x 192 Black & White        0         4
               280 x 192 Limited Color        1         5
               560 x 192 Black & White        2         6
               140 x 192 Full Color           3         7

Note that some modes only apply to high-resolution while some only apply to double high-resolution.

The format of the file is as follows:

Bytes +000 to +8191
High-resolution image or portion of double high-resolution image stored in auxiliary memory.
Bytes +8192 to +16383
Portion of double high-resolution image stored in main memory (not present for high-resolution).

File type $08 was originally defined as an Apple /// FotoFile, but now it is useful for those applications that wish to save high-resolution or double high-resolution data with a file type other than $06, which is a standard binary file. If you choose to use this type, you should remember that older applications which do not check the auxiliary type may attempt to interpret these files incorrectly.

The Apple II Technical Notes have been converted to HTML by Aaron Heiss as a public service to the Apple II community, with permission by Apple Computer, Inc.


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